Her Majesty Queen-Mother Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard, Princess of the Netherlands, Princess of Oranje-Nassau, Princess of Lippe-Biesterfeld, poses with Serbian artist Marina Abramović, June 22nd 2020 in the Royal Theatre Carré in Amsterdam, at the premiere of the show The Life and Death (Holland Festival). Princess Beatrix is known for her 1999 complaint ‘de leugen regeert’ (literally, ‘the lie reigns’) at a national meeting of Dutch editors-in-chief; for her membership of the club of rome, (founded 1968 by members of the original Morgenthau group during a meeting at Rockefeller’s private house in Bellagio, Italy) which aims at reducing the world population by large-scale campaigns of guileful sterilization in third world countries; and for her preposterously hypocritical Christmas speeches. Dutch newspapers commented that her 2005 personal decision not to assist at the funeral of Pope John Paul II, nor to be represented by any member of the Dutch Royal House, was religiously motivated. Obviously, that is nonsense: by assisting, she would have made a fool of herself in the eyes of her satanic club of rome friends.
In a moral context, the Dutch adjective for ‘wrong’ (‘fout’) sometimes has the connotation of treachery in World War II. That does not apply to Beatrix (born 1938 — although she profited enormously from it), but to her father, born Bernhard Friedrich Eberhard Leopold Julius Kurt Carl Gottfried Peter Graf von Biesterfeld. As admitted in a 2004, posthumously published, subsequently censored interview with Volkskrant, and as known by the Dutch war government, Bernhard was member of the SS. When Princess Juliana married him in 1937, Dutch Queen Wilhelmina (mother of Juliana) and she both knew of his Nazi past. In his book ‘The Thyssen Art Macabre’, David Litchfield explains that, after World War II, a secret mission called ‘Operation Juliana’ secured all Nazi-German investments of the Dutch Royal House and of the Thyssen family, to be shipped back safely to the Netherlands. As far as Nazi sympathies are concerned, the Dutch Royal House apparently does not underperform the English Royal House.

Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte presents his best of smiles in the company of satanist Klaus Schwab (1971 founder of the World Economic Forum, which plans to ‘reset the world’ economically), upon receiving his 2019 Atlantic Council Global Chicken Award (New York). Prime Minister Mark Rutte scored headlines with his 2020 quote ‘daar heb ik geen actieve herinnering aan’ (literal translation: ‘I do not have an active memory of it’), in an effort to hide four years of lies concerning a large-scale failure of the Dutch Tax Authority in administering childcare allowances. Ever since, Dutch citizens have been wondering whether Rutte prematurely suffers of the Biden syndrome. Or is it a corona issue? For sure, Rutte’s mind is profoundly shaken. His government decided for totally disproportionate war-time decrees, like the ridiculous curfew (except for people who walk dogs), and the Nazi-totalitarian decision to register corona vaccination in the centralized data bases of our National Institute for Health and Environment (RIVM). A large majority of the Dutch population is so stoned that it happily accepts such totalitarianism. The once central-right VVD, and the once radical-chic D66, have become political parties of raving lunatics, with two lousy C’s (CDA and CU) looking on. Like in the glorious days of D66-slaughter of unborns, Els ‘Het-Is-Volbracht’ Borst.

What does RIVM want to know from you? Date of birth; identification number; first name and surname; address; date and location of the vaccination; name and number of the vaccine.

Marina Abramović portrayed with her pimp, Jacob Rothschild, April 14th 2020, Royal Academy of Farts, London. Between their two heads, slightly elevated, the public may admire Satan’s erection (erased for the public’s convenience). The author of the painting (Satan Summoning his Legions), 18th century Thomas Lawrence, probably stole the body, superposed the erection, and the luminiferous head. Of the latter, he clearly got the size wrong.