A quantitative estimate of the earthquake that allowed Moses to cross Yam Soof (Sea of Reeds, or Sea of Hurricanes) at Nuweiba (Egyptian coastal town at the Gulf of Aqabah). The estimate shows that such events are likely to have occurred in the geological history of the Arabian Plate.
Ark of the Covenant Finally Discovered Ark of the Covenant Finally Discovered
History of the Ark of the Covenant from Solomon to Jeremiah, and finalizing with the 1982 discovery by Ron Wyatt. The theological thrust of the earthquake, renting the Golgotha rocks, and allowing Christ's blood to drip down upon the Seat of Mercy.
Out of Egypt: the Exodus Route Out of Egypt: the Exodus Route
There is a remarkable lack of consensus concerning Moses' exodus route among Christian archeologists. The two main proposals are those of Ron Wyatt and of Steve Rudd. A principal argument in favor of Rudd's route is that the crossing at the strait of Tiran three times as shallow as the Nuweiba crossing, proposed by Wyatt. Everything else seems to plead against Rudd's proposal.
Traces of Moses’ Youth in Egyptian Records Traces of Moses’ Youth in Egyptian Records
The Egyptian and Biblical accounts of the exodus coincide spectacularly. One only has to take into account that the Israelites were not exactly popular in Egypt, after their departure.
Ark of Noah Found in Durupınar (Turkey) Ark of Noah Found in Durupınar (Turkey)
In 1959, Turkish Captain Ilhan Durupinar discovered the site called after him. In 1986, American anesthetist Ron Wyatt made his first on-site radar images. In 2014, he brought up this.
The Star of Bethlehem Decoded The Star of Bethlehem Decoded
How the author of the Wikipedia page on great conjunctions cunningly hides the exceptional character of the Star of Bethlehem